Sunday, June 20, 2010

Drug/ Alcohol 24 hr. Help

So as everyone probably knows, based on the creepiness of the internet, the ads that show up on our facebook sidebars and other websites have relevance to our lives and what the internet has concluded that we are interested in.

So usually the side of my facebook page is full of ads for photography courses, New York City deals, new movies, live music, etc.

But I've noticed something that's been showing up consistently for the past year.

There's always a box there that says "Drug/Alcohol 24 hr. Help" ( just chillin' there on the side of my screen. It's always there. I just don't get it.

Now, I'm not trying to fool anyone about the existence of certain things that i may partake in for fun, but I'm most definately not an alcoholic nor do I suffer from a serious drug problem.

And even if I did, how on earth would facebook know that?

I don't sport statuses like "OMG i got sooo trashed last night! ;) ;)" or "time to go roll a blunt."

I may occasionally make reference to getting high or drinking but I know for a fact that those comments do not come about often enough to assume that I would have a problem.

Much less a problem big enough for 24 hour help!

Really when it comes down to it, the ad makes me feel pretty bad.

Not because it makes me guilty or ashamed or anything, I'm really fine with myself.

But it makes me feel very wrongly judged.

By someone out there that I've never met.

About something very serious.

And it's the only consistent ad that shows up. The others come and go, but this one just keeps on popping up!

I'm very tempted to contact them and tell them how I feel because I'm pretty sure that there are many people out there on the internet who could actually use this 24 hour help, but who aren't seeing the ad. Instead, they're wasting their money on making me feel bad.

And I don't like it.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Word Of Wisdom (June 19, 2010)

You are always saying something.
Whatever you are wearing says something about yourself and if you choose to wear nothing, that says even more.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On The Eve of My Calculus Final...

Sometimes I sit back in my chair in math class and I try to retrace my knowledge of the subject.
I can remember learning addition and subtraction with groups of M&M's. I remember memorizing multiplication tables on my way to school. I remember my teacher going over long division... and long division going over my head. I remember the embarrassment, which a calculator later relieved. Then came the variables. I guess they chose x because it was far less logical than a. But algebra made sense- just solving for an unknown. Geometry was straightforward, although the proofs became tiring. But still, I did encounter these shapes every day. Then came trigonometry, and this is where I lost my way. I get how trig functions come from triangles, and why they are there, but graphing functions- why do I care? Parabolas are nice, but I've only seen them on graphs. This is where real life no longer meets math. Then there was precalc and now there's calculus. And the kids who got trig are as confused as the rest of us. I look to the board and then look to the sky. Optimizing equations- why, oh why? So to those who live for math, I mean no offense. But honestly, after geometry, this shit makes no sense.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So this is something I wrote on, which is an amazing site that a friend showed me! You're basically given a random word each day and then you get a minute to write about it... anyway, today's word was "remark":

Well I've been asked for my remarks about the word remark...
but I guess there's nothing very remarkable
about "remark"
it's funny because I suppose I thought i'd have more
to remark about.