Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poem From A Poem (a poem)

Hi there.
I am a poem
and you are a human being.
I have a font
and you have a brain.
I am made of ink on paper
and you of DNA.
In fact, I am quite simple
So why do you keep looking for something more?
There's really nothing extraordinary to explore.
I'm not hiding anything- this I insist!
Yet so-called brainiacs still persist-
continuing to delve in between my lines,
trying to expand their overused minds
until they come up with something smart
and credit themselves as experts on the art.
But here's the secret that puts everything in its place:
What you'll find in between the lines




You see,
maybe my author just thought it would be fun
to write a poem from the perspective of one.
And maybe what she was trying to point out
is that people who claim to have figured this out
don't really know what they're talking about.

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