What if just all of New York City jumped? Would it affect anything at all? Would floors of apartments come crashing down from the impact? Would it cause cars to swerve? Would people in New Jersey feel it?
But even if nothing happened physically, what a sight that would be! Imagine, a single moment in time when every single person on the planet would be suspended in midair.
I remember a year or two ago, there was a Facebook event that attempted to get everyone in New York City to flush their toilet at midnight on a specific date. Of course, it was bound to fail due to the fact that not all New Yorkers would receive the message and that a good number of those invited would decline or simply forget to flush (like I did...).
But it was still exciting.
The idea was exciting.
No one knew for sure what would happen because it had never really been done before. Could New York's sewage system handle it? Would the city flood? Would some toilets fail to flush as a result?
We'll probably never find out what would happen.
But I do hope that someday, maybe in my lifetime, the whole world will work in unison. The actual task wouldn't even matter because even if it was as simple as jumping, it would be undeniably amazing.
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